Thursday 30 June 2011

Answers to 4 Excellent SEO Questions

1)If he could have just one: site or social media presence.which one would he choose and why!


I'd always bias to taking the website over the social media presence. It's not that a great Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, Foursquare or LinkedIn account aren't

great, it's just that the flexibility, power, branding and measurability of a website has yet to be matched on any platform. With a website, you can custom

build virtually any form of analytics, leverage any type of web technology to display/deliver content and control your own destiny. Even if Facebook or some

other new, wholly flexible platform allowed for all of these features, you would still never truly own your home on the web.

I'm a huge supporter of and advocate for social media marketing, but I don't think I could ever endorse having your primary base of marketing and acquisition

happen anywhere but on a site you fully own and control.

2)what is the future risk for duplicate content on product descriptions for 3 similar geotargeted domains?


Unfortunately, this is an issue that's fluctuated so much over the past 5 years that I don't feel entirely comfortable giving a solid answer and feeling

secure it will be the right one long term.

The current situation is that for Google, most of the time this isn't a problem. You can set up a site in Spanish targeting Spain, another in Mexico and a

third in Peru, many with overlapping content pages and so long as the country TLDs are unique (e.g. .es,, .pe, etc.) and/or you've separately

targeted the sites through Google Webmaster Tools ( more on that topic here), you're relatively safe from duplicate content filtering.

That said, Bing is not nearly as sophisticated on this front (usually), though they are getting better. I don't know how search engines like Baidu, Yandex or

Naver might handle this situation, currently - if anyone in the comments has expertise here, please do chip in. Given this, it's often wise to choose either

a globally-targeted site OR biuld very customized sites to specific regions (even if there is language overlap). You can always use the cross domain

rel=canonical if you want to "share" content between/across sites and self-select which one Google returns.

3)what will effect SERP's more twitter or Facebook?


It depends whether you mean directly or indirectly?

Directly, it will likely be Twitter. Google's ongoing animosity with all things Facebook shows no sign of shifting and thus I'd say it's unlikely Google will

start using Facebook signals directly in the results. However... as we showed with correlation data, things that do well on Facebook tend to do quite well on

Google, too. Indirectly, the ability to influence a wide network on Facebook, earn lots of shares, comments, likes and activity may indeed lead to very

positive and influential second-order effects (links, tweets, positive content analysis signals, etc).

With Twitter, it remains to be seen whether they achieve ubiquity in a wider world. The service is a clear leader in many fields - marketing, politics,

technology, investing, media and more - but it's not yet a service everyone's using (~100 million actives vs. Facebook's 750 million). If it sees growth

spikes, engagement increases and they become more ingrained in the fabric of "normal" society, then they may indeed be competitive with Facebook for

influencing the results, on both first and second-order levels.

4)how will the new extension at $180K each for big businesses affect the rest of us?


The honest answer is that no one really knows. However, I'd strongly suspect the .whatever TLDs(see Mashable's article on the subject for more) will have far

more impact on the branding landscape of the web than it will directly in search results, for searchers or for organic marketers. I do have some guesses:

    The new TLDs will become commoditized quickly - $180K is not a big financial hurdle for many medium+ businesses
    The "cool" factor is likely to exist in the tech startup and web-savvy worlds (like a Quora or NameSake), but your cousin in Michigan won't have heard of

them and will have trouble using them or believing they work (if they see them in offline advertising)
    They may actually increase the desirability of .com domains as the gold standard everyone's used to and comfortable with
    A few might earn enough brand recognition (as .ly and .us have in the web 2.0 runup) to get some escape velocity and be on par with .info or even .net...

But, I wouldn't put money on that :-)

Normally, I'm a huge fan of early adoption in new marketing tactics, but this doesn't feel ROI positive for enough folks to make it a strong recommendation

from me, personally. Like everyone else, though, I'll be watching with anticipation to see how it's adopted and used.

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