Friday 11 May 2012

Switching Careers to be Happier!

Start of a career is the beginning of a new life; it could be very fruitful, you may find absolutely unexpected yet amazing opportunities. And it could be as frustrating as hell. Well, it all depends on your career choice! Choosing the right career is as important as choosing the right life partner, but switching careers is far easier! A career would most probably mean a drastic 9 to 5 job. So it is very important to have the right career as you are going to spend most of your life with it. A bad day at office might trigger the thought of resigning and doing a different sort of job. BUT this is not to be an impulsive decision because it is a very important step and can change your life significantly.

When you start thinking about changing your career, be sure that you are in a rational state of mind. It is very important to think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons regarding the decision. Think about all the issues that matter and those that do not! It would be perfect to visit a Career counselor, but at the end you are the one who has to make the decision, so it is for you to be really sure.

Consider the following points while making up your mind:

1. How do you Feel about your Current Job?

Do you feel like getting out of your bed on Monday mornings, excited about the work and the challenges you might face as the week progresses? Or, you dread the moment when your clock starts beating the alarm and puts an end to the most amazing days of the week? The Monday mornings say it all! How does your time pass at work? Does it “fly” or is it draggy for most of the time?

Do you think your current career has done some good to you? Is there any improvement on personal or professional level? Or, has it somehow damaged your knowledge or intellect? What about the amazing abilities and talents you are blessed with? Can you make a good use of them, or are they rusting?

Where do you see yourself in the future with your current job? Do you think that your current job can make a difference to your life? Can it bring you success or bliss or peace of mind? Whenever the thought of changing you career pops into your mind, ask all these questions to yourself and you will know your way!

Expectations from Life

What do you want to get from your life? The answer to this question is very important while deciding about the career path. Do you want to excel in whatever you do or a mediocre life is fine with you?

Some people just want to earn money and a good amount of money. There is nothing wrong with it. One might fancy traveling more than a dream job, and the money earned from a relatively boring but a well paid job could be spent on a vacation in Europe. Ok, absolutely fine, if that’s what you want to get out of life.

Some people want to do what they believe in and find interesting, and money is of secondary importance to them. They want to use their skills to the best and not waste them doing a job that does not need those skills. They may not be rich but content and satisfied.

Some people think the most important thing in life is to be successful, no matter what path is being followed.

2. What Exactly is Bothering you?

Is it a boring job, a personal problem, a hectic schedule or something else? Everything we do in life is interrelated, so it would not be news if troubles in your personal life bring stress to your professional life.

Your Pocket is a problem:

Money plays an important role in choosing careers, and they often become the reason for the thought of career change. Some careers pay more than the others, which is a fact. If you feel money is an important issue and you can’t find a way without it, changing the career is a good idea!

Stresses from Personal Life:

A complicated situation in personal life can leave us disoriented for days. It can possibly affect the bliss in everything we do. If a fight with your partner makes you mundane, don’t worry. As soon as this crisis in your personal life is over, you will start liking your job again.

A Crisis in the Office:

We, human beings, are sensitive creatures and we start owning the company we work for. A crisis at work could leave people perplexed and they might start thinking that it is of no use working in this field. If the thought of career switching is the outcome of such circumstances, stick to your company and stay where you are, because it is just a phase which will go away with time. Things will eventually get back to normal as they once were.

Being Unappreciated and Undervalued:

If you have worked very hard and you see others take the rewards for your work, the situation definitely hurts. Moreover, if you were expecting a promotion and it was given to a relatively incompetent person, don’t expect things to improve in the future either. You need a change! But, this is not a call for career change; just get a new job where your work is valued.

Talent being Wasted:

If you feel you are an extraordinary teacher but you are stuck in a tedious marketing job and your talent is being wasted, you should definitely leave your dull job and become a teacher. Talent with a lot of hard work could be very rewarding and it certainly brings peace of mind.

A Blow to your Values:

Situations may arise where things might not be according to your moral ethics, or in the worst case scenario, they might be very alarming. Corruption at the company may displease you or a low moral gesture of the boss might be upsetting! In such circumstances, if you are good at what you do, leave the office, but try to find a job related to your field!

3. Finding a New Career Closely Related to your Field

Changing the career is not very hard; however, sometimes it might demand much effort. A Software Engineer might find teaching fun, and he can always become a teacher in a College and teach Computer science! That’s not very hard to do.

It is not always financially feasible to earn through painting, so why not become an Art Curator at a well established firm. You can earn well and be an Artist at the same time.

4. Going back to School

If you have decided to change your career altogether, you must be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. It is sure not going to be easy, but if it is what your heart lies in, the effort will be worthwhile at the end. Around the world, people make mistakes and they are not afraid to correct them. I have seen smart people studying Economics in the undergrad, working in the field for a while, not finding it interesting and going back to school to get a journalism degree and finally becoming wonderful writers! Somebody I know went back to school to get a Doctorate in Psychology, after working with Computers for a decade, in a relatively ripe age! And, people in the world change their minds, switch careers, and do what they want! So, going back to school is pretty normal. It is done in the past and will be done in the future; so, do not be shy or afraid to become a student again! The opinion of people DOESN’T matter!

5. Never too old to make a Change

Life is lived only once, so live it to the fullest! Don’t be afraid of change. Change is what actually improves a person and makes him what he is meant to be! And, age is a mere digit. It is about how you feel regarding yourself. If you feel like going for a change, go for it. It will require hard work and sheer effort, but you will feel happy in the end.

Life is about experimenting, making mistakes and correcting them! It is your time to do so!

Thanks & Regards,

"Remember Me When You Raise Your Hand For Dua"
Raheel Ahmed Khan
System Engineer
send2raheel (skype id)

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