Monday 10 October 2011

10 tenets that will help remote support techs succeed (and stay sane)

When I am at my day job, I do two things: Manage all client backups and handle remote support. Why do I do remote support (along with the already full-time job of client backups)? Because I get it. I understand that it takes far more than just the knowledge to repair what ails a client computer. If you think you might want to serve as a remote support specialist, I have 10 tenets that should help you understand exactly what it takes to have a nice long career as a remote support specialist.

1: Patience will carry you

If you’ve done ANY remote support, you know that clients can really tax your patience. I have actually had clients take the mouse from me, while I am trying to solve their problem, so they could compose an email. Many clients will feel like their problem is the only one you have to solve today and will not allow you to work as expediently as you would normally work. Some clients will struggle with the proper language or terminology to successfully communicate to you the problem they are having. It is crucial that your patience be at a high when dealing with these types of clients. Not only will this help them, it will keep your blood pressure down.

2: Compassion will help you understand

I have had clients cry on the phone, thanks to the problem they are having. It does no good to leave compassion at the door when dealing with clients. You must remember that in some instances, their problems are keeping them from getting their work done or doing business. When this happens, stress can be high and clients can be a bit edgy. Put yourself in their shoes and see how you would deal with it. Try to be understanding so you clients feel you are on their side and will do everything you can to make their issue go away.

3: Flexibility will keep you from getting stumped

On a daily basis, I come across something that requires thinking beyond the norm. Sometimes methods that would normally work simply don’t. When this happens, I am thankful for having enough flexibility to avoid banging my head on my desk screaming, “This should work!” Instead, I look at the task from a different angle and attack it again. Usually this works.

4: Communication skills will allow you to work around frustration

Remote support is an incredibly frustrating job at times. This is especially true when you can’t actually log into the client’s machine remotely and do the job as if you were sitting at the machine. When this happens, you must be able to tell the end user what to do and how to do it. Without the ability to communicate this in a way the user can understand, your job becomes exponentially more difficult.

5: Saying “no” will keep you from being taken advantage of

Clients will take advantage of you. That is a given. They call to have you fix problem A and “while you’re at it,” they talk you into fixing problems B through Z. This is an unfortunate reality because, well, a gig is a gig right? Wrong. By not saying no, you are giving the client the power to ruin the rest of your day. And when you don’t say “no,” everything you do beyond the point of “yes” will be nothing but an exercise in frustration. Learn to say “no” — but make sure you say it politely and professionally.

6: Understand there are real jerks out there, but they need your help as well

That’s right. There are always clients you really don’t want to help, talk to, be around, or even know exist. In some circumstances, you will have no choice but to help them. I have one (or two) clients whose names make me cringe when I see them on my calendar. But I know I have to suck it up and move forward. Even the jerks need help. The key is to go into the task knowing full well they have the power to be a completely and utterly insufferable. When you approach the task that way, and they’re not, the surprise will be all the more rewarding.

7: Patting the end user on the back now and then will help establish good rapport

Every once in a while, it’s a good thing to let clients know they did the right thing. Even if this pat on the back seems inconsequential to you, it could be huge to the end user. Do not ever hesitate to give the end user a pat on the back for doing something right. And, on the flip side, do not ever scold a user for doing something wrong. Those clients are not puppies piddling on the floor.

8: Swallowing your ego will keep it from getting in the way

We all have egos. Some support specialists have egos much larger than others. That ego can be your worst enemy at times. An inflated ego can prevent you from hearing what the client is really trying to tell you or prevent you from being able to communicate with a client. In the end, that overly inflated ego will probably prevent you from getting the job done. It’s simple –check the ego at the door.

9: Reassuring end users that their problem can be fixed means more than you might think

One thing I always say to end users is that their problem can be fixed. That takes a huge load off their shoulders. Of course, the “fix” could always (in extreme cases) call for a reinstallation of their operating system. But one way or another, the problem will go away. If you tell your end users, “Oh this can’t be repaired,” you have just created a monster you probably don’t have the time or inclination to deal with. Throw the client a bone in this situation.

10: Professionalism and propriety will place you far ahead of equally skilled support specialists

At all times, the remote support specialist must be professional and speak with propriety — even when the client isn’t. This may seem unfair, but they are paying you (not the other way around) and that payment should include the respect that is expected of your position. Although it may feel good to call the end user a blathering, raving lunatic not worthy of your time and effort, it will only end in lost clients or worse, the loss of your job.

Survival skills

Those are the tenets of remote support I always stress to anyone considering getting into this business. What about you? Is there a mantra you use to survive those tough clients and situations? If so, share them with your fellow TechRepublic readers.

Thanks & regards,

"Remember Me When You Raise Your Hand For Dua"
Raheel Ahmed Khan
System Engineer      

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